Having now had the time to complete some more of the PtX courses (with all the necessary, but unincluded back-up reading), what appears to be happening, is an understanding of what we currently call “hydrogen“, but will generally understand (through the historical record) as “energy” ~ of or from “source“. IE: Source Code, or Source Energy.

It equally makes sense to our embedded memory. Therefore it can become apparent in pattern work, from anywhere such as mathematics, to biological structure, or indeed hallucinatory geometry.

Its relationship strengths can be as complex as they can simple, and are equally reflective of a precursory appearance in the form of light ~ namely electromagneticity.

Such that we can mentally visualise and or map the same patterns, they are embedded within our physical geography, equally as can be discovered geologically.

I am of the opinion therefore, that regardless of our contemporary understanding of time, we’re coming to understand energy again… Not everyone, but some…

It’s like a calling (so I’ve heard). You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into ~ you have to work it out on the way ~ as the reality is created around you, ‘for’ you to experience. Think of it like an outbreak for the time being… Some experience it, but most just “want” to experience it (or appear to be capable), therefore mimic the language *giggles*, exactly like hydrogen itself.  Therein the challenge to recognise reality from idolatry. What’s the difference?

If our current version of civilization doesn’t collapse (for whatever reason), that current appreciation of energy will continue to evolve among the masses as it currently does, within the shell that presently contains our collective experience with it… Equally as it does indeed through other shells of its reality, connected to different experiences… none of which need something as crude as time to interact… but to experience. Thus a ‘requirement‘ for a timeline; nothing more. They exist, equally as they don’t. That doesn’t make them “necessary”. It makes them “mobile“. If they’re mobile, they’re recyclable… just like memory.

It’s an understanding of energy.

Understanding it, means seeing it.
Seeing it, makes it readable, legible, logical.

Thus; it is equally just indeed, what we call “Consciousness” ~ but it’s nothing like we’ve been imagining consciousness to be. If you don’t “know” that, you’re yet to meet it… regardless of what you tell anyone. 

Remember; ‘it’ can be anything it likes.
It’s your job to recognise it.
Regardless of the experience itself.

That’s just the fun bit … so I’ve been told.

Not one of the greatest Thunderbolts projects ~ but does illustrate some extremely interesting details ~ particularly the 28-56 filament (4:4 ~ 7:4 and 7:8 ~ 8:8 fractal relationships) ~ relative to pattern work.

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