The universe’s fundamental reality is what you’re waiting for – the hyperbolic curve IE: chaos, and a capacity to recognise its order simultaneously. Turn that into a hyperbolic paraboloid and it’s more stable. Rest it on itself and you have the singularity (represented at Vila Qatuan with the reciprocating roof).

Recognize each singularity as the sphere on the path, you have the reality that you’re living in. It’s multiple, but easier to see with just 3 bodies ~ thus 3 out of 4. The 4th being the singularity. The 4th ‘dimension’. NOT, indeed “time”.

That therefore, is the thing that we currently call “consciousness“. Merely a different state of logic. And THAT, is where our cabins, “begin“… February 2024.

So don’t “expect” anyone to understand it. It’s all there, but it’s not obvious, for reasons of evolution. Watch out for entropy theory in the background.
Order moves to chaos. Exactly the opposite of hot moving to cold. The order of entropies, to which ends, some people think we’re moving backwards in time.

If you understand gravity, or are at least questioning it as an entity (tribe or civilization), wouldn’t you find it in the form of graffiti ALL OVER the historical record? What if only the resilient remain in this ‘dimension’, to continue until they get it? Upon which time, you “level up” as it were. Would that suffice as an answer for reincarnation? You can’t take anything with you and you don’t necessarily remember a previous attempt… But you get to do it repeatedly. Until you understand it ~ I’d say so.

And that is where it all comes down to geometry. Not necessarily mathematics. But quantum physics. Thus ~ from within the quantum field of reality ~ Quantum Archaeoastronomy.

I hope you enjoy the attached investigation into the Three body problem as much as I did.

1 ~ As you watch the film ~ consider the geoglyphs and or petroglyphs, and or architectural form; that we discover in the landscape.
2 ~ Try to understand Entropy ~ it’s not ‘actually’ as easy as an equation ~ we ‘live’ in it and looks very different from inside.
3 ~ Exactly as we found to be mimicked by the energy carried by water… Ofcourse it is ~ it’s a fundamental reality!

Black hole, White hole, Complexity; Reality!

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