We’re watching the evolution of the way individuals think, act, and behave collectively. Leading them to cooperate hand-in-hand “WITH” Nature. That is a future we are melding as part of the community, transforming the vision into reality. It’s destined to happen, even if the full realization is beyond our view. We need to concentrate on the bigger picture, not the established powers attempting to exploit a similar idea for their own benefit, creating a hierarchy.
That idea ‘claims’ to be a circular economy but essentially just hands out the scraps from the assumed elite. Just like in the past, it continues in the present. Let’s refer to them as distractions… They are cleverly masked. They keep the masses in check. They don’t enlighten. They restrict… Similar to a “Z-pinch” one might say. Therefore, equally essential, but ignorant of their role.
As a result, progress comes to a standstill. That is why “Civilization” doesn’t advance, while certain individuals do, but their societies fall apart. It’s essentially an issue of managing information. They are all competing for power. Maybe because they fail to see the throne as a system of ‘self-management’ of the ‘Environment’ that the people are intrinsic to – they only see the physical symbol; Like the idol, The God…not indeed a democratic position, but a hereditary desire. Incapable of evolving.
Are they fit enough to survive? Are ‘we’ fit enough to survive with them? Nature doesn’t actually work like that though ~ to the environment, those individuals are quite obviously erroneous. Incomplete let’s call them. Otherwise, they would have succeeded by now and taken us with them ~ but they haven’t. Thus, we are ‘all’ still here, awaiting the next great change, awaiting the next step of our progress ~ waiting to be led. Confusing ourselves and bickering among one-another to become the next great Idol.
Luckily, we ‘do’ see that. Don’t we!
We advocate for the people. We couldn’t care less about the throne… There are plenty of other things we’d rather be doing than dealing with the trivialities of judgment. Right!
That’s why we have been given the responsibility of reminding the people how to properly educate themselves once again. Not our way. Their way… With attention to the smallest details. Today, folks, we are creating a Logo for IBAQ. We will be modifying the Qatuan Logo for that purpose. It will be visibly similar yet distinct. A Memory of the whole, in relationship to its individual qualities.

Kindly observe link (a), and imagine it influenced by factors such as those of link (b).
Imagine the Solar System moving like a dance, influenced by various factors. It might not be obvious to us on Earth, but it will definitely happen due to thermal dynamics. When it occurs, the entire electromagnetic field will fluctuate, just like in the GIF. The system’s dynamics will be affected by invisible pulses and attractions from other celestial bodies along its journey.
That event will cause moons, scars, and planetary formations to shift slightly over long periods, which may not be immediately noticeable. However, it could certainly help to explain many myths about planetary alignments in the past, especially in relation to our early understanding of the universe’s electromagnetic reality, and ourselves.
Picture this: the sun stays relatively central to its trajectory, while everything else moves around it within their orbits, almost as if the sun shifted to the outer edge before returning to its original position…but only appears to wobble, whilst sending its satellites into disarray ~ Essentially, we would rediscover the Vesica Pisces, acting as a singularity and a duality simultaneously ~ even if only for an interstellar moment, it would appear possibly as long as a Millennium to us.
A huge “wobble,” similar to a gyroscope. Since everything else displays this behaviour, why wouldn’t the solar system? That idea will be reflected in the new logo. That is why we see spiral patterns in galaxies – it’s a repeating fractal pattern that is widespread, indicating that the solar system follows a similar pattern. Just like the fractals seen in nature.
The sun represents a larger system at work. It’s not the system itself. It’s not the source of energy. It symbolizes the energy of the system entire. Not “One” that leads, but one that represents the interactivity of its entirety as a whole; a ‘coherence’ let’s suggest, nested within an incoherent challenge.
Like a throne… but not the people. The Jewel in the Crown. The Holy Grail … maybe. The invisible liquid; bound by the chalice that doesn’t exist. The all of us and everything we experience. The being beyond the realm of its vehicles, that only exists such that its vehicles can become it… maybe!
Do you think we might be missing something?
Have a great weekend while you consider it.
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