Finally, I’ve managed to tidy my drawing board up again. Many exciting versions of many exciting possibilities have landed themselves on my desk over the last year. I’ve had many courses to put myself through, to better understand what people are attempting to explain to me, regarding the way their products/ processes work. I even managed to apply for a few funding competitions in the process.
I don’t expect to ‘win’ any of the funding applications that we’ve submitted this year. I apply, to help myself ‘orchestrate and order’ what it is that we do, so that it may also be achieved by others. While achieving that, it makes sense to apply for a grant ‘while’ organising yourself, early as your ideas might be, because it is highly likely that nobody else has done it ‘your’ way ~ which ‘might’ make all the difference.
Introducing SDG RoadMap Relevance.
Although Vila Qatuan (VQ) is an Ecovillage, primarily it is a sustainable, environmental development concept, applicable at Global scales that; having been given the opportunity to work with all of you on the WWC platform we have BETTER developed in such a way that it may be adapted to the human condition across the biomes of the world.
Our PRIMARY focus area is that of Water. It is ‘so‘ complex a focus area, that we had to break it down ~ so far indeed, that it eventually became an institutionally scaled concept, best described by means of Quantum Archaeoastronomy.
Nothing else came close enough, to assist with the description of an Holistic Field of activity that has to work in a unified fashion, such that ‘humans’ can see what they’re upto. After all, humans like to think that they are sentient, but don’t act as such ~ otherwise everything would be working harmoniously already, US included, which quite obviously isn’t the case yet.
Relative to a Universe, humans are barely sentient at all. We had to accept that, in order to give ourselves room for improvement. Now, we have; thus-so, ‘now’ we can better focus with the things that we need to do right now, to work towards becoming a bit more sentient… rather than ‘focussing’ with all the rubbish we generate ~ ‘recognising‘ it as an environmental relationship that we ‘are’; such that we can focus on bettering the relationship, opposed to managing the waste.

Our Secondary focus area is that of Energy. We understand that in order for a ‘community‘ to ‘define’ itself by means of a system with which it can evolve, it will need to develop an industrial reality of some description, to monetise itself.
We visualise our response in terms of SDG 9 ~ Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

Our Tertiary focus area is that of Environment. We understand that in order for an ‘environment‘ to ‘define’ itself by means of the communities with which it can evolve, it will need to develop an understanding of the way it behaves, both visibly and apparently obscure “to us”; BUT, that we can ‘assist’, by means of our relationship to it (the environment that we see, equally as that that is invisible to us).

We visualise our response in terms of SDGs 6 & 14.
Visibly SDG 6 ~ Clean Water and Sanitation.
Less immediately visible SDG 14 ~ Life Below Water.
Through ‘presenting’ the above as we now have, we can assist humanity by ‘Under’ ~ standing what we’re attempting to describe as a means of action, towards a unified series of goals; designed (as we envisage them) to assist us in becoming more sentient ~ namely: An “Environmentally Sentient“, Global Community.
Towards assisting with the development of those goals through our Sustainable Development Model (VQ) we intend to develop with our local community in the following fashion:

(a) Community Development ~ SDG 6
SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation.
Clean and Replenish Sources and Cycles of Water.

(b) Municipal Development ~ SDG 9
SDG 9 Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure.
INSTALLING AN ECONOMY ~ Cultivate Social Entrepreneurship for Local Regeneration.
Ensure Equitable Access to Land and Resources.
Use Banks and Currencies that Strengthen Communities.
BY MEANS OF INTEGRAL DESIGN ~ Adapt Solution to Scale and Context.
Spread and Share Core Patterns of Regeneration.
Listen to the Feedback of the World’s People.
TO INNOVATE CULTURE ITSELF ~ Honour Indigenous Wisdom and Welcome Positive Innovation.
BACK TOWARDS ITS ECOLOGY ~ Innovate and Share Sustainable and Green Construction Technology.

(c) Professional Development ~ SDG 14
SDG 14 Life Below Water.
REINTRODUCING INTEGRAL DESIGN ~ Engage actively to Protect Communities and Nature
REINTRODUCING CULTURE ~ Clean and Replenish Sources and Cycles of Water.
Increase Biodiversity and Restore Ecosystems.
REINTRODUCING ECOLOGY ~ Learn from Nature and Practice Whole System Thinking.

We visualise our response in terms of SDG 7 ~ Affordable and Clean Energy.
With the basics beginning to flow at community levels ~ ‘we’ can get back to the professional levels, looking at Sustainable Energy Provision and how to introduce it to our community at “Municipal” Levels.

The greatest positivity of using gasses or generated Syngas’s (from Waste or otherwise) is that the containment system can work like a battery itself ~ IE: NO MORE RARE METALS and EASE of MAINTENANCE ~ whilst EQUALLY storing any gas that we care to responsibly develop.
Every-time we compress it for export (sales to other municipalities or agriculture) ~ we generate heat ~ a waste product used to energize our community. Waste-2-Waste-2-Energy.

Not only can we recycle agricultural and municipal wastes into energy ~ but coupled with the above containment system we can achieve many, many, many more things ~ including Power to Liquids for a more sustainable economy and market ~ whilst simultaneously filtering and recycling the water to return it to our aquifers.

We can equally reduce the energy required to produce the heat in the first place, to make the Energy Dome work ~ whilst with multiple domes, we can store multiple fuels and/ OR fuel components ~ The biggest excitement expressed by the PtX.Hub kids ~ is CO2 gaseous exchange, particularly for SAFs (Sustainable Aviation Fuels).

We’re about to make all kinds of gases available, with which to achieve all kinds of goals PARTICULARLY in support of the development of a sustainable, circular ‘rural’ economy.

We’re about to crack the Qatuan Community Egg.
The Qatuan Egg. Sustainable Reality Theory meets Sustainable Reality Practice ~ by means of Energy recognition.
It is no longer a containment area ~ it is merely defined by a boundary that we have come to understand… Everything inside is modelled my means of everything outside and visa versa ~ the only difference is the comprehension of the logic-state (states or combinations of states) required to make it function.
IE: A Quantum Reality.
Vila Qatuan you see, is not ‘just’ an Ecovillage.
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