As shared on the WWC platform:
Research Team

We’re pleased to announce that QAI (Quantum Archaeoastronomy Institute) now has its first official research team. Although we look into numbers of different things simultaneously, we’ve now managed to narrow it down to “energy” for the time being, and we’re going to call it “biofuels” ~ hence the greens and oranges of the apparel (and why I have to go and do another Degree) ~ I have to be able to achieve everything holistically.

Everything that I’ve done so far was ‘helpful‘, but not sufficiently thorough and or recognised with any degree of authority. So to be capable of delivering anything that you guys can follow or achieve yourselves, we have to take it up a notch, which is what all this movement has been about over the last couple of months.

For now, we’re going to keep it private. IE: not accepting external contracts.

We do what we do and we’re very happy to assist with anything that may help the positive movement of the WWC, Platform and Community.

The idea is to build the research around the cases that I will be studying for my new degree, alongside structuring a presentation platform to deliver the theory and practice to localised communities ~ such that they will be able to congregate and begin understanding what they need to achieve to take responsibility for their local environment, with a methodology that can stretch into the future.

On that note ~ It gives me Enormous pleasure everyone, to share that I have been awarded for professional excellence. I have been granted a scholarship towards an MSc. Degree reading Sustainable Electricity Generation.

The course is a speciality Mechanical Engineering Degree, designed for those working in the field, opposed to a more academic or theoretical approach. I’m REALLY Very excited. It will take me approximately a year to achieve, but, as you will see, this achievement will help me to bring so much more technical capacity to you guys, to assist with your future projects, particularly with the depth of field gained, looking at water technologies. I hope you find it as inspirational as I. For me, this is a dream-come-true. 

Please see the following presentations to better understand where we’re going. It will NOT all be visibly apparent you see. Many different things, happen simultaneously, in many different areas, such that an ‘apparent’ singularity can take place. For example: A community learning to self-order.

Organizing VQ to Move to the Future.
Community Scale Energy Training.

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