I believe you may find it intriguing to explore the continuous activities that occur behind the scenes to initiate projects like ours. To achieve success, one must be willing to take on every aspect of the work independently. I have developed this project gradually, piece by piece. Given our current mindset, it is unlikely that anyone else will pursue an energy degree specifically for this initiative.

Often, the immediate thought is centred around financial considerations. However, the reality is more complex; one must adopt a broader perspective that transcends monetary concerns. The focus on finances can lead to a lack of time for pursuing additional qualifications without compensation, which is why I find myself in this position.

The proactive approach naturally places us in a leadership role, often without conscious effort. The key lies in being generous enough to share knowledge and resources while continuing to carve out our own space within the community we are beginning to foster. This mindset is fundamental to progress, as our focus on people rather than profit ensures that financial success will follow, especially since we harness our own energy and effectively manage our waste, including water.

The prime working theory (2nd law of thermodynamics) is that heat of any kind is a waste product. Therefore, use waste to create it. Everything that humans do (currently) is based around fire. The waste product of which, is heat. Think about that properly, and you’ve got everything.

What is energy a waste product of?

At its core, energy can be viewed as a by-product, prompting a deeper investigation into its nature. The current understanding of thought processes surrounding energy is not fully developed, which raises significant questions about the fundamental nature of matter itself. This leads us to ponder the essence of what matter represents and what it might signify as a by-product of a larger system.

This inquiry naturally directs our attention to hydrogen, a fundamental element that operates independently of material constraints. Hydrogen’s unique properties allow it to function as a primary particle, capable of facilitating interactions without the necessity of generating heat, which is a key aspect of cold fusion. These interactions, albeit fleeting—lasting mere picoseconds—suggest that the physical world may not be as concrete as it appears, as everything hinges on those transient hydrogen interactions.

As highlighted by Everine Van De Kraats from the World Water Community, the exploration of energy is indeed a fascinating endeavour, especially with advances toward over-unity machines and the intriguing possibilities of cold fusion and transmutation. This investigation raises profound questions about whether matter possesses any form of awareness. If heat is merely a by-product of work, it implies that matter itself could be a by-product of a more conscious entity, prompting us to explore the nature of this entity and its relationship to the universe as we understand it.

Over-unity machines.

The concept at hand does not revolve around perpetual motion machines; rather, it pertains to the exploration of systems that approach over-unity within a specific framework, examining the underlying mechanisms that operate within this paradigm. This inquiry invites a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics at play, moving beyond superficial interpretations to uncover the complexities that govern these phenomena.

From a psychological perspective, we are delving into the significant connections associated with the idea of Transmutation. This can be interpreted through the lens of sublimation, where an object tends to gravitate towards a state of dignity. The pleasure principle plays a crucial role in this process, guiding individuals through a series of signifiers that help alleviate the tension inherent in the psychic apparatus, ultimately allowing for a more coherent understanding of one’s existence and the illusions that accompany it.

My focus lies in the realm of Dimensional Transmutation, where the notion of a perpetual machine within one paradigm is intricately linked to another, creating a network of interdependent systems. This relationship suggests that the structural integrity of one system may simultaneously represent the by-product of another, raising questions about the consciousness of matter itself. In this holistic view, both we and the universe are seen as cross-dimensional entities, prompting a broader perspective that, while not yet widely acknowledged, encourages a more profound dialogue about our shared reality.

The Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water.

I am in the process of assembling a research team that will include Chemists, Biologists, and Physicists, among other specialists. Our focus will be on supporting the more nuanced aspects of the community paradigm associated with our platform as we delve into energy frameworks. This initiative will allow us to assess the potential for expanding our findings beyond our immediate circle and into the broader community. While I believe it may still be premature for such outreach, we are beginning to make significant strides in that direction, which is an exciting development.

The primary objective of Instrumental Trans Communication (ITC) groups is to explore these phenomena, albeit from a somewhat limited perspective. They tend to analyse their findings within a singular paradigm, treating it as if it is the only framework available. In contrast, a more holistic approach would involve examining various interconnected paradigms. This broader perspective allows for a more comprehensive understanding of energy manifestations, often categorized as ghosts, spirits, and similar entities. Ultimately, we are all investigating the same fundamental concepts, albeit through different terminologies.

For instance, I refer to my own experiences as akin to an RLC circuit, which serves to replicate observations within the complex structure of a “Biofield.” A specific location I have identified, a hill in the Cerrado, functions similarly to an RLC circuit, providing me with insights to analyse. This site communicates with me, allowing me to apply my understanding in a way that appears ordinary to others. My goal is to guide individuals through a series of signifiers, generating enough connections to minimize any cognitive dissonance, thereby facilitating a shared understanding of what we commonly perceive as “reality.”

An Unexplored Domain of Nonlocality: Toward a Scientific Explanation of Instrumental Trans-communication.

Consider the case of Herons Fountain: at what point does its flow cease? What mechanisms could be employed to enable its continuous repetition? In what ways might one facilitate its regeneration? These questions prompt a deeper inquiry into the nature of cyclical processes and their sustainability.

Is there a more effective approach to grasping the underlying dynamics of such phenomena if we were to examine the same process across various dimensions, each mirroring the previous one? All of these dimensions would operate within a singular framework, raising further questions about the nature of existence and continuity. When does this cycle reach its conclusion, and what initiates it?

Furthermore, what can be said about the concept of entropy in relation to itself? Understanding the entropy of entropy invites a complex exploration of disorder and organization, challenging our perceptions of stability and change within systems. This inquiry not only deepens our comprehension of physical processes but also encourages a philosophical reflection on the nature of existence itself.


You may have thought I was exaggerating, but it’s time to acknowledge the reality of the situation. There’s no need to dwell on it; just understand that this is a genuine inquiry. The central question is whether we can perceive temperature fluctuations as a form of cross-dimensional communication.

That phenomenon seems to exist within a singular framework, appearing as a perfectly ordinary aspect of reality. It represents a dynamic and intricate memory that travels without physical movement, merely altering its logical states while maintaining the same appearance. From a theoretical standpoint, time can be viewed as an experience of the Entropy of Entropy, where each dimension or segment of a timeline is a fixed moment.

In this context, the notion of movement or animation does not arise from a shift in paradigms but rather from the resolution of an evolutionary question. We experience that through what we define as ‘time,’ allowing us to navigate a “timeline” that traverses a series of interconnected logical states. This interconnectedness can be understood as an environment characterized by change.

Where: –

The second law of thermodynamics introduces the concept of entropy as a significant state variable. The change in entropy, denoted as delta S, is defined as the heat transfer, represented by delta Q, divided by the absolute temperature, T. In any reversible physical process, the total entropy of both the system and its surroundings remains constant, indicating a balance in energy distribution.

While processes can unfold in various directions, our perception is limited to a linear timeline that seems to progress consistently forward. This perception is shaped by the reality we choose to acknowledge as stable, leading us to believe that our environment remains unchanged. In truth, the reality is in a constant state of flux, adapting to the most logical outcomes based on the experiences and potential changes we encounter.

Our collective understanding tends to favour a “status quo,” which can be interpreted as a singular entropic state rather than a multitude of dimensions. We perceive our existence as a journey from a beginning to an end, influenced by our belief that we are embedded within our environment. This leads to the assumption of a fractal reality, where biological diversity is merely a reflection of a potential state of existence, shaped by the interactions of hydrogen and their respective timelines.


The concept of a perpetual energy machine, while seemingly feasible, is ultimately constrained by the singularity of entropy it embodies. This notion leads to a cyclical loop of causation, where one event leads to another in an unending chain. Some may refer to this state as “Heaven,” but despite its appearance of continuity, it remains static and unchanging. It does not engage in any activity; rather, it exists within a singular entropic fractal framework, influenced by the perceived speed of light, which itself is a mere illusion that we are striving to transcend.

Consequently, the modern transmutation machines created by humans serve primarily as distractions from deeper inquiries. This raises fundamental questions about the nature of matter: What is it a by-product of? What is the true essence of cross-dimensional transmutation? Is matter merely a waste product? We, as conscious beings, are the energy navigating through the complexities of entropy, experiencing fluctuations in temperature without truly perceiving changes in entropy itself. Our understanding of the sun is limited to its heat and nuclear reactions, rather than its dynamic and multifaceted reality.

The perception of reality often appears stable, yet it becomes increasingly intricate upon closer examination, particularly when delving into its mythological aspects. Those narratives, passed down through generations, have often been overlooked, perhaps for reasons that align with the complexities of existence itself. The current moment is not merely a paradigm shift but rather a culmination of events that have led us to this point, which a select few are beginning to comprehend. In this context, the absurdity of our reality becomes apparent, revealing a landscape that defies conventional understanding and invites us to embrace its inherent chaos.

Enter black hole/ white hole relationships.

The essence of our initial experiments with three-body systems revolved around the observation of Lorentz forces in action. The experience hinges on the number of dimensions that can be perceived simultaneously. Many individuals mistakenly believe they are witnessing a singularity, leading to feelings of disorientation when they encounter more complex dimensional interactions. As their perception expands to include a broader electromagnetic field, their established understanding of “reality” is put to the test. It is through the exploration of multiple dimensions that we construct what we refer to as reality.

This observation suggests that while “structure” may not have a tangible existence, our physical forms—acting as vessels of expression—allow us to perceive reality as if it possesses structure. This phenomenon can be likened to the existence of anchors, which serve as points of reference. Similarly, concepts of spirituality can be viewed as a contemporary framework of conflicting anchors. Ultimately, much of what we consider reality can be categorized in this manner.

Interestingly, the concept of “time” may not exist in the way we typically understand it. Instead, it appears to be a by-product of the movement of fractals that define dimensions. I hesitate to label this as “structure” at this point. We can navigate through these fractals, which often resemble memories to us. When we connect them sequentially, we create what we currently identify as a “timeline,” based on our perception of events. This indicates that the notion of time travel is less relevant; what is truly occurring is interdimensional travel, a concept that represents a fundamentally different experience.

Getting more comfortable with time not existing…

Initially, the concept may seem quite bizarre. Personally, I found that contemplating it too deeply for an extended period led to a feeling of suffocation, as if the very air around me had thickened and become difficult to inhale. The absence of time raised profound questions: how could movement occur? How could I exist? In such a scenario, it felt as though nothing could truly ‘be.’ However, today I find myself in a different state of mind, and I am pleased to say that my perspective has lightened considerably.

A timeless dimension still qualifies as a dimension, and the interactions within it persist much as they always have. In fact, the essence of everything remains unchanged, but my perception has shifted. Time now resembles a transparent pane of glass, an observable entity that allows me to witness the ongoing activities around me. This newfound clarity enables me to “segregate” my understanding of time from the rest of my experiences, providing a unique vantage point.

Nevertheless, I do not completely separate time from my experiences. It remains an effect of my movement through various dimensions, yet I can now perceive the interplay of these dimensions as they generate the essence of time. This perspective transforms my experience from a seemingly infinite continuum into something more manageable. While it is impossible to halt time entirely, one can detach from it and engage with it in a novel way, akin to observing a two-way mirror. On one side lies the familiar reality, while the other reveals the intricate relationships of particles, light, and matter, allowing for a deeper understanding of the environment as I navigate through layers of fractal repetitions.

The perception of movement increases as one approaches an object, creating the illusion of speed. It is essential to recognize that within your own personal reference frame, everything remains static (relevant to the scale of the reference frame). Observing phenomena akin to Brownian motion illustrates this concept; you can manipulate the observation by altering your reference frame, allowing you to accelerate, decelerate, reverse, or redirect any ‘apparent’ motion. However, caution is advised, as interacting with these dynamics without a clear understanding can lead to confusion.

Time, in this context, remains a subjective experience, allowing you to explore the interactive dimensions that arise from it. This exploration reveals that time, along with various timelines, is merely an observable effect rather than a tangible entity. These timelines represent potential occurrences rather than concrete realities, suggesting that they do not possess true existence in the conventional sense.

Consequently, the notion of “time” as a dimension is called into question. Instead of being a fixed framework, time emerges as a by-product of other underlying processes. This perspective encourages a re-evaluation of how we understand time and its implications, emphasizing that it is not a standalone dimension but rather a manifestation of interactions within a broader context.

Observing more dimensional activity.

The Lorentz transformation allows for the observation of a consistent reality from various vantage points in relation to a helical “field,” which can be understood as multiple fields. When one is able to discern order within the apparent chaos of time, it becomes possible to perceive reality from different positional perspectives. This ability to shift viewpoints is crucial for understanding the complexities of our experiences.

This phenomenon is akin to the experience of hallucination. By stabilizing these hallucinations, one can alter their perspective, revealing that while the “environment” maintains a constant level of entropy, the processes occurring within it are reversible. However, our inherent cognitive frameworks often prevent us from fully grasping this reality, as they are based on a conventional understanding of perception that does not accommodate such fluidity.

When observing reality in its dynamic state, it is important to note that it does not simply transform; rather, it undergoes a process of mutation. Reality is not a static entity that shifts from one location to another; instead, it evolves as it interacts with information and experiences. Understanding that emphasizes that the essence of reality is not fixed but is continuously reshaped by the interactions it engages in, leading to a constant state of change.


The perception of change is often limited to those who are unable to recognize it, leading to the conclusion that certain entities do not truly “move” or “evolve” beyond their established frameworks. As a result, these entities may become imperceptible to observers. This phenomenon suggests that individuals tend to “see only what they wish to see,” filtering their experiences through personal biases and expectations.

In reality, we possess the ability to observe transformations that occur across various logical dimensions, allowing entities to manifest as they truly are. For instance, the transition from four-dimensional to three-dimensional representations illustrates how a more complex reality can be simplified into a fixed form. When viewed through the lens of a Quantum Field, these transformations become clearer, revealing the underlying processes that govern existence.

The continuous reconstruction of reality occurs at a fundamental level, yet it often goes unnoticed from our limited vantage point. Consequently, our understanding of the world appears as a stable and unchanging status quo, shaped by our experiences rather than the true nature of reality itself. This perspective invites a deeper appreciation for the intricate beauty of existence, highlighting the complexity that lies beneath the surface of what we perceive.

Observing a Complex Reality.

Once again, take a moment to gaze out the window, and you will notice a significant and historical continuum that leads us to a deeper understanding of a more intricate reality. The seemingly ancient cultures exist within a specific timeframe, allowing us to recognize and appreciate their contributions. Their history is perceived as merely a past for us, shaped by our interpretations and perspectives.

From its vantage point, this historical continuum exists in a perpetual “now,” capable of manifesting wherever necessary. It can be observed through a logical framework that does not have to conform to previous appearances, as it is inherently interconnected. This interconnectedness means that while it may not always be visible, it remains dynamic and interactive, allowing for changes in its manifestation that can seem entirely new, representing a form of transmutation.

The perpetual machine encompasses us, suggesting that an ostensibly unified system can only approach true unity from our limited perspective, constrained by the speed of light. To us, this may seem like a continuous existence, yet it is not entirely so, as our capacity to interact with it remains undeveloped. This limitation underscores the necessity for us to evolve beyond a mechanical mindset. Achieving this evolution means that we no longer require external energy sources; we become the source ourselves, rendering the machine obsolete and highlighting its role as a mere distraction.

Hence Quantum Archaeoastronomy.

Acknowledging the above recognition allows for contributions to the development of a specific timeline. Consequently, our focus will be on making biofuels accessible to the general public while simultaneously examining the intricate dynamics of energy transformation. That leads us to the concept of Quantum Archaeoastronomy, which serves as a framework for understanding these complexities.

We possess an understanding of the established rules governing timelines. Our existence is intertwined with a continuous energy system that perpetually reinvents itself within the confines of the reality we are meant to experience. From that perspective, the process appears to be just another occurrence, irrespective of its origins.

It is important to note that we are not in the business of inventing this process; rather, we embody it. Our experience is a reiteration of the ongoing process itself, allowing us to engage with it in a meaningful way. This cyclical nature of experience underscores our role within the broader context of energy and existence.

Further reading:
Dimensional Transmutation
Perpetual Motion
Heron’s Fountain
NASA on Thermodynamics

The Speed of Light is NOT About Light

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