Hello everyone.

As you will notice, I’m cracking on with everything. If there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s not to hang about waiting for others, but to leave a trail in case they want to see where you’re at. Essentially “Entanglement”.

I do not work in a conventional sense. I don’t examine details and work towards a whole such that I can replicate it. I engulf myself entirely within a whole;

  • Recognise any immediate relationships I experience with it;
  • Explore (not necessarily examine) relationships that it has with itself;
  • Explore any reasoning behind relationships that I appear to not comprehend, or misunderstand until understood;
  • Explore any reasoning behind my new understanding of systems working beyond my inclusion necessity (as previous relationship-sets that do not ‘require’ my inclusion and “WHY”);
  • … and THEN get into the details ~ in exactly the same way. Details upon details until I recognise a detail in the form of a composite whole in itself ~ upon which time I can apply that recognition across the system entire to ‘understand’ it as a “field-relevant” activity set;
  • “Where” activity-set rules apply (much like mine own);
  • “What” those rules mean and therefore what they ‘do’, thus how they “relate” but not necessarily work together. They are ‘relative’ and dimensionally interactive, phased but not necessarily “in-phase”.

I “explore” the rules of nature as a “holistically engaged reality”, of which I am part. A detail and yet a composite whole. A fractal memory of the environment that I am, exploring myself from the inside-out; in the previous knowledge that I do-so. I ‘live’ amongst the nuts and bolts of what we call reality ~ inside a perpetual energy machine, an Over-Unity system that employs its waste to reinvent itself in a permanent system of engagement.


What are we actually doing again Jame?

As recently expressed: The current developments within the research department are prompting us to reflect on the concept of “transformation” as it pertains to mechanical realities, while also exploring whether “transmutation” could hold a similar significance in biological contexts [1].

For instance, consider the relationship between coils and magnets. As Rob elucidates in the accompanying video, there is a common misconception that electricity is “created” by a “generator.” This is not accurate.

Energy is, in fact, transformed from kinetic energy into electrical energy. This transformation mirrors processes in biological systems, where energy does not culminate in electrical energy but is immediately utilized to facilitate movement through the expansion or contraction of tissues, thereby momentarily altering them—this is what we refer to as transmutation [2-5].

This process is not necessarily nuclear, which would imply a mental directive for action, but rather atomic, as it involves the conversion of thought-energy (potential) into physical energy consumption (kinetic animation), leading to changes in cellular molecular relationships and activity, or “work.”

Ultimately, the behaviour of hydrogen particles within the molecular structure of muscle tissue, influenced by water content—including the water body itself—plays a crucial role. Consequently, we might not typically classify this action as a “mutation,” even though it fundamentally is. The primary aspect undergoing mutation is the energy itself, which is why it captures our interest. Beyond the initial impulse for movement originating from the brain, it is merely a fractal chain reaction.

This reaction is inherently circular; the biological form’s status quo initiates and concludes the activity within a field of equilibrium, where each animated fractal represents its own dimension. Thus, nothing fundamentally changes; it merely appears to change, resulting in what we term mutation.

Rest ~ Activity ~ Rest.

This phenomenon can be likened to a mountain or a pulsed electromagnetic illusion—so rapid that we often take it for granted. Therefore, we are aware that we are not constructing a generator, but rather engaging in something that is ‘relative’ to that concept.

We already have a Water Science group AND the WWL, so ‘we’ can work alongside or independently, in the previous recognition that we represent the same thing ~ The WWC ~ so ‘we’, exactly as expressed above, don’t need to go there. ‘They’ do not ‘need’ to interact with ‘us’, but we are ‘honoured’ to be positioned such that ‘we’ can assist ‘them’ (should they request) or not, “but to leave a trail in case they want to see where you’re at”. We’re previously entangled ~ recognised or otherwise is entirely irrelevant ~ they’re looking at water; we’re looking at energy.


Building a Generator: 

Accounting Logic:

Let’s delve into the reasons behind our business group, aiming to grasp the partnership requirements for whatever we seek to comprehend. Interestingly, this same exploration mirrors the workings of an accounting system! Once you recognize the pattern, it’s the SAME across the board—only the terminology varies; fundamentally, it’s all about 1’s and 0’s, an analogue algorithm. Understand “Energy” ~ you can understand anything! The challenge is understanding the “correct” application!

For instance:
By establishing a partnership framework through the WWC, Jamie (used here as a hypothetical example) can evolve into a potential shareholder for WWC partners in South America (or anywhere, really). Much like the WWC profile, this represents a structure, a foundation, a starting point that can grow into its own entity. Ideas transform into tangible realities, creating a system of Circular Economics.

  • Jamie proposes to fund a start-up called “Chief-Cheese” through a contract aligned with community interests, representing the stakeholders of the Economic Advance Division (EAD).
  • Chief-Cheese receives funds in stages (as per the contract objectives), including currency and banking fees.
  • The WWC acts as the Shareholder, while Jamie serves as the Asset (Holder/Manager), and Chief-Cheese is the Liability (the start-up).
  • In essence, Jamie takes on the role of a Fund Manager, or for the sake of this example, Qatuan does, evolving Qatuan into a Foundation. That represents a transformation of the WWC, a step towards dignity.

The process illustrates a sublimation or transmutation of energy; it embodies the thought, the essence of the WWC, and our shared path of self-reinvention through the influence of others. It acts like a “fractal chain reaction,” creating a replicated whole that is prepared to undergo the same journey, evolving or adapting as necessary.

Economic Logic:

Economy has always possessed a circular nature; rather, it is the structure of this circuit that is well-defined and constrained by inclusivity. For example, the term “sustainable” can be accurately applied to an economy that avoids participatory failures or incompetence, distinguishing it from the idealistic views often held by certain groups, such as the Hippies. Let’s call them “new-age people” for the time being.

They might refer to it as a “shared” economy, contrasting it with a “Monopoly”. In their perspective, this represents a “circular” economy, as wealth is distributed among participants. The distinction lies in the level of risk involved. Many individuals prefer a stable existence, sharing a portion of the risk, while others seek rapid and transformative changes to expedite progress. Consequently, the more passive approach can be seen as a misallocation of valuable resources, akin to energy loss due to insufficient operational frequency.

To effectively establish a truly circular economy, one must engage as extensively as possible in the process. This involves the “Creation” of a Circular Economy at the municipal level, where each output serves as a foundation for subsequent inputs, including the education and training of participants, resulting in a “quantum” economy that is simultaneously fractal and cohesive, as it is understood that we are not in the process of “creating” anything; rather, we are facilitating its transformation or transmutation, utilizing ourselves as the medium of expression; “and dimensionally interactive, phased but not necessarily “in-phase”.”

Entangled Details.

Economic Reform:
  1. Should we choose to approach this process in a traditional manner, we would devise a form of “insurance” against losses, subsequently generating waste merely to support a sustainable economy—essentially promoting a “sell, sell, sell” mentality.
  2. Conversely, if we were to engage with this cycle in a dignified manner, we would limit and contain waste, facilitating its recycling. However, this would require us to participate in processes that others may disregard, as they disrupt their complacent routines.

The concept is straightforward, yet it is currently overshadowed by a globally pervasive, greed-driven mindset that prioritizes economic gain over genuine sustainability. This mindset erroneously believes it comprehends “sustainability” due to its historical dominance in the energy sector since the 1800s, which has restricted the involvement of compatible stakeholders. This has led to significant events such as the world wars, the narrative surrounding Dupont, and the rise of the petrochemical and plastics industries, along with the political landscape we observe today.

In a very realistic timeframe of less than 150 years, we may witness a complete and systemic collapse of civilization as we know it, a scenario eerily reminiscent of the prophecies of the Maya.

Why is that the case?

The Maya observed similar occurrences within their own communities, and some of their sages and chroniclers possessed a profound understanding of energy. They recognized the cyclical nature of the universe in action. Neither the powerful nor the ignorant of that civilization maintain any significant influence today; however, their documentation remains invaluable, provided one endeavours to comprehend its intended interpretation.

It appears that this trajectory is becoming increasingly clear to me. If nothing else, I will establish a fund for myself and manage it independently (until proof of concept). In the interim, we each have our own areas of research and ample tasks to pursue until we are prepared to assist others. The meaning indeed, for this research department.

Quantum Cosmology Commission:

Up to this point, I believe that ring theory serves as the most fitting representation of a “structure” for reality, provided such a structure exists. This viewpoint stems from the intrinsic properties and relationships that ring theory encompasses, which appear to align with the fundamental elements of the universe.

Ring theory, a segment of abstract algebra, investigates rings—collections equipped with two binary operations, addition and multiplication—that follow rules such as associativity and distributivity. The elegance of these principles reflects the orderliness found in the physical realm.

Delving into ring theory uncovers similarities between its concepts and natural occurrences. For instance, modular arithmetic connects to cyclical patterns observed in nature, implying that ring theory might shed light on the underlying rhythms that govern reality.

The connections between various rings and their homomorphisms illustrate the interdependence of different systems within the universe. Just as rings can be mapped through functions that preserve their structure, physical systems can undergo transformations that retain their core characteristics, resonating with the symmetries and conservation principles in physics.

Moreover, ideals in ring theory, which are subsets that maintain specific properties, can be likened to the way complex structures arise from simpler elements in reality.

Geometries and Material Compositions Team:

In essence, while nothing possesses inherent structure, at the molecular level, everything maintains cohesion in some manner. I do not concern myself with the pursuit of a unification theory, as I find it unnecessary; however, you may wish to investigate it further.

If you are interested in following my explorations related to energy, a fundamental understanding of Ring Theory will be essential. This theory essentially illustrates how vorticity, helicity, and toroidal behaviour emerge from our perceptive capacity through electromagnetic interactions. Moreover, it is indeed circular in nature.

By comprehending energy in a comprehensive manner, you will gain deeper insights into cyclical phenomena, especially as I begin to apply the “energy model” to tangible 3D contexts, such as finance; where “tangible” may indeed mean “tensile” and ‘structure’ merely a concept of perception, geometric and immaterial, yet perfectly visible in composition.

Cymatics Unit:

We’re going to witness the evolution of various over-unity “systems,” each inherently linked to the concept of over-unity and characterized by their cyclical nature. Each system is encased in a shell, with each shell interconnected to the next, creating a self-actualizing framework.

Understanding my perspective on these concepts will reveal that, in my view, all processes function in a cyclical fashion even if they do not appear to do so. If you share this understanding, we are going to get along famously. The essential aspect to concentrate on is the significance of amplification and interference patterns.

Sustainable Electricity Generation Team:

We’re already working with an over-unity system, kind of like a perpetual energy machine, and we’re right in the middle of it. Over the next year, my goal is to take this chaotic, seemingly random energy and break it down into smaller, human-sized systems that align with nature’s principles.

Each of these systems will mostly operate independently, but they’ll also have their own cycles that connect to larger, cyclical frameworks, no matter how we decide to use them, individually or otherwise.

Bio-Logic Investigation Organ:

A perpetual energy machine, of which we are a part, operates in a manner that reflects the fractal nature of the universe—mirroring the very essence of nature itself. That represents a genuine origin of the Nature-Based Solution in which we exist.

Consequently, we have meticulously developed research areas. While each area is distinct, they are also crafted to comprehend the interconnections among them; each system relates to the others, functioning collectively to foster simultaneous development.

Quantum Relativity.

Research Department:

As one system progresses, all systems progress. Thus, despite their apparent differences, they are fundamentally unified. This constitutes a holistic management system that is applicable at any scale and across various dimensional relationships.

[1] https://vila.qatuan.com.br/2024/08/11/transformation-or-transmutation-an-early-investigation/
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corentin_Louis_Kervran#Biological_transmutation
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmutation_of_species
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_transmutation
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimensional_transmutation

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