Swimming pools that benefit nature

Several options for filtering processes, construction techniques, finishes and accessories to make each project a unique experience. Nature is the limit.
making it easy for people

Four standard models for your choice.

Do you want to get to know a Qatuan bio-swimming pool up close? Schedule your visit!

  • Jade 6.0 m²
  • Turquoise 10 m²
  • Emerald 25 m²
  • Sapphire 50 m²
sustainable landscape projects

Nature Based Solutions (SBN)

From Master planning through more intrinsic facilities such as bio-pools, flow forms, wetland systems, aquaponics and other products offered within the Qatuan Water line, we work from initial creation to completion.

The growing qatuan network

Proudly presenting our achievements, partners and customers.

Contact us for your

functional and sustainable landscape interventions

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